Sunday, May 21, 2017

Day 38: Pyrenees Sunrise

Pyrenees Sunrise
Day 38
Sauvelade to Navarrenx
Statistics: 12.1 miles/19.4 km, steps 25,728, elevation climbed: 790 feet weather: awesome sunny and 70s (after sunrise)

I woke up at 3 AM because I'm so excited about walking by myself. You are more in tune with things around you and you see things plus the pictures of sunrise during the golden hour. (Yum yum)

I leave the Gite at 5:20am.

About Thousand feet from the Gite there was a grove of bamboo as I walk up to it, it starts to rustle and there’s flapping noises. As I get close to it, bats fly out in every direction. That's the way to start your morning. And none were vampire bats :)

I continue walking. Although I like taking pictures of the sunrise, I'm a little scared of the dark I guess my mind is creative about what's in the dark that I cannot see. On the edge of town the road becomes a farm road with covered trees it is dark and i use my iPhone for light for a little while....

The covered road becomes open after a mile. Getting close to some colors in the sky for sunrise and the road climbs to a nice height with long vistas. Take photos and then continue on. Another mile down the road there are incredible vistas of the
distant Pyrenees. This is the first time I can see them in all their glory. Unobstructed and boy they look dynamite. They are about 60 kilometers away. I will be there in 4 days on my 53rd birthday.

On the side road there's a tent it's two pilgrims that I met earlier at the Gite that decided to carry-on and I run into them later in the morning in Navarrenx and we talk story.

I continue walking until I walk reach my destination of Navarrenx. I checkout the 3 GĂ®tes my friend would be staying at but he’s left already.

Time for coffee and making a video

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