Saturday, May 20, 2017

Day 36: The Chapels

The Chapels  - Day 36 

Statistics : distance: 13.1 miles 21.0 km , steps: 37,818 elevation climbed: 660 feet weather: first hour no rain then rest of the day 40 degrees and Raining

Most of my gear is still wet. It was too damp and the Gite owner would not turn on the heat. the place was very cheap but we got what we paid.

The two Korean ladies head out. In Sook is limping pretty bad from a twisted ankle.she says she is walking 32 kilometers. That's a long distance for someone who is hobbled. We say our goodbyes and I say aloha. She has great attitude and is always smiling. An Amazing positive person. She dissappears from view pretty fast.

Next is Harry and Bridget. They don their raincoats and say a quick goodbye and they are motoring. Clive and Maya are still packing so I head back down the road to the last church we passed. Which we. Never checked out.

It's a short walk to the church. All the churches in this area have a mansard type black roof. I hope I spelled mansard right…. I love these churches and chapels, they look so unique. Like a church from the movie Edward Scissor Hands!

We will end up seeing 3 more chapels with similar roofs today. I head back to the Gite and it looks like Clive and Maya are ready to go. We don all our gear and hoist the backpacks and we are off and walking.

The sun is poking through the clouded but theclouds are think and sky has very few openings for the sun to shine thorough. I predict rain. Hopefully it is warmer.

We walk for about an hour before it starts raining. It's mostly flat until we reach Castillon. About 30 minutes prior my Parkinson's is causing my right leg to drag so I take some more medicine and tell Clive and Maya to head on And I will meet them at the Gite.

I like taking my time and visiting church along the way. When it's cold and rainy Clive and Maya like to hurry. There's one problem the town of Castillon has 3-4 dogs unleashed. I make it through but one dog really tried to get behind me like it was going to bite me.

I arrive in Arthez-de-Bearn to Clive in the middle of the road waving me to the hostel. The hostel is run by he friendliest chef.

It is the 8 dth day walking since I was injuried. I feel. Great and it's the second day walking with my backpack. I feel recovered. I am relieved both legs are working well.

I do a bunch of emails , blogs and other internet stuff. A masseuse stops by the Gite to promote her services. I jump in her car and she goes to her studio. I feel better.

Do some administration nistrrinbe type stuff and go to sleep

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