Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 22 - 23 The Hill

Day 22 - 23 Auvillar

Day 21 walking distance: 10 km
I take the van to Auvillar. The landscape is lake flat. Would have been a great easy walking day. It would have been a great stage for day one . As we near Auvillar I see the distinct shape of nuclear steam vents. It reminds that France is very reliant on nuclear plants for power. They might have the most nuclear power plants compared to other European countries.

After dropping my bag off at the Gite communal Auvillar, I decided to do test hike and see where I am. I walk down the hill and across bridge and then back. It's about a 10 km walk. It feels pretty solid but there are some pins.I feel fine with an hour came back. The results are encouraging.

Clive and Maya arrive and they have a fantastic day walking along the water on the tree lined path. We check into the Gite. We are all impressed with this gite. It is the best Gite we have stayed at so far, but the wifi doesn't work…

Our roommate is Patrick who we saw in Moissac at the cloister. Patrick is a 61 year old Frenchman living 40 km from Geneva. He is currently spreading the word of the Saint Germain foundation. He is taking a detour to Auch and Lourdes for the cathedrals then he is going to Santiago.

We eat dinner and invite Patrick to join us. It's a great dinner among pilgrims.

I can't sleep so I go into the common space above the kitchen and play solitaire. I wake up at 3:00 am to a security flood lamp shining a light on me. Hmm. I wonder if police or the manager may be coming over? Of well. Time to get up. It's raining. I wander back to the room and slip under the blankets.

Day 23 distance walked 10km
At breakfast I share some videos with Patrick of our travels and he’s impressed. He loves the recordings of Conques and Moissac singing.

I decide to walk a couple jog kilometers with Clive and Maya. I walk down the other side of the hill down a muddy trail. We say our goodbyes at the highway underpass.

It's raining but a just a little cool. I sit here for Patrick to come by and take his picture. I then wander
Back to town and search in vain for wifi. Of well. Sometimes there's wifi and sometimes there's no wifi.

I am the first person to check into the Gite. A couple hours afterwards my room mate takes her mattress into the room with her friends. Yay I have my own room!

I make some pasta and have a late dinner. I sleep more than usual.

Injury update: I feel encouraged after two days of walking hills around Auvillar. No swelling and the pain has been reduced. I can't wait so full days.

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